The patient is provided with the tooth that has a new titanium root. Your orthodontist must first examine you to make sure that the tooth can be used for dental surgery. Are tooth implants necessary following a tooth extraction? There is a possibility of replacing teeth after the removal of a mandatory one. It’s all about the value you place on your smile and if the doctor is in accord with your procedure.

At times, some disorders including diabetes could hinder your ability to get the procedure done. However, if your medical condition is healthy enough for implants it is possible to look into it. It is also crucial to follow the instructions of your doctor on dental care while you recover to prevent dental implant shifting. The shifting is an indication that implants aren’t healing as it’s supposed to be. If you notice that you’re shifting, you should see the doctor right away. Alternative procedures for fixing teeth are teeth whitening, dental veneers, as well as crowning. Before choosing a treatment, you can talk to your dentist about other options.
